You have less than one minute to sign off before your demo '%0' session is terminated. Your '%0' serial number is not valid on this platform. Your serial number is not valid for this version of '%0'. Quit and launch the application again to enter a new serial number. Sorry, ' %0' can only by used with the application 5PM. Sorry, your serial number is valid for some other products, but not for '%0'. '%0' is not installed correctly. Please, call your network administrator. This is a demo version of '%0' and your evaluation time has expired. Hope you enjoyed it ! Quit and launch the application again to reactivate the demo. Not enough memory in System Heap to use '%0'. A resource is missing in '%0'… Your '%0' serial number is already in use on this network by '%1'. Sorry… Your '%0' serial number is no longer valid. Quit and launch the application again to enter a new serial number. Your '%0' serial number is not valid yet. Your '%0' serial number is bad ! Quit and launch the application again to enter a valid serial number. You must enter your serial number in order to use '%0'.